Ripping Volume Shadow Copies – Introduction
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Windows XP is the operating system I mostly encounter during my digital forensic work. Over the past year I’ve been seeing more and more systems running Windows 7. 2011 brought with it my first few cases where the corporate systems I examined (at my day job) were all running Windows 7. There was even a more drastic change for the home users I assisted with cleaning malware infections because towards the end of the year all my cases involved Windows 7 systems. I foresee Windows XP slowly becoming a relic as the corporate environments I face start upgrading the clients on their networks to Windows 7. One artifact that will be encountered more frequently in Windows 7 is Volume Shadow Copies (VSCs). VSCs can be a potential gold mine but for them to be useful one must know how to access and parse the data inside them. The Ripping Volume Shadow Copies series is discussing another approach on how to examine VSCs and the data they contain.
What Are Volume Shadow Copies
VSCs are not new to Windows 7 and have actually been around since Windows Server 2003. Others in the DFIR community have published a wealth of information on what VSCs are, their forensic significance, and approaches to examine them. I’m only providing a quick explanation since Troy Larson’s presentation slides provide an excellent overview about what VSCs are as well as Lee Whitfield’s Into the Shadows blog post. Basically, the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) can backup data on a Windows system. VSS monitors a volume for any changes to the data stored on it and will create backups only containing those changes. These backups are referred to as a shadow copies. According to Microsoft, the following activities will create shadow copies on Windows 7 and Vista systems:
- Manually (Vista & 7)
- Every 24 Hours (Vista)
- Every 7 Days (7)
- Before a Windows Update (Vista & 7)
- Unsigned Driver Installation (Vista & 7)
- A program that calls the Snapshot API (Vista & 7)
Importance of VSCs
The data inside VSCs may have a significant impact on an examination for a couple of reasons. The obvious benefit is the ability to recover files that may have been deleted or encrypted on the system. This ringed true for me on the few cases involving corporate systems; if it wasn’t for VSCs then I wouldn’t have been able to recover the data of interest. The second and possibly even more significant is the ability to see how systems and/or files evolved over time. I briefly touched on this in the post Ripping Volume Shadow Copies Sneak Peek. I mentioned how parsing the configuration information helped me know what file types to search for based on the installed software. Another example was how the user account information helped me verify a user account existed on the system and narrow down the timeframe when it was deleted. A system’s configuration information is just the beginning; documents, user activity, and programs launched are all great candidates to see how they changed over time.
To illustrate I’ll use a document as an example. When a document is located on a system without VSCs - for the most part - the only data that can be viewed in the document is what is currently there. Previous data inside the document might be able to be recovered from copies of the document or temporary files but won’t completely show how the document changed over time. To see how the document evolved would require trying to recover it at different points in time from system backups (if they were available). Now take that same document located on a system with VSCs. The document can be recovered from every VSC and each one can be examined to see its data. The data will only be what was inside the document when each VSC was created but it could cover a time period of weeks to months. Examining each document from the VSCs will shed light on how the document evolved. Another possibility is the potential to recover data that was in the document at some point in the past but isn't in the document that was located on the system. If system backups were available then they could provide additional information since more copies of the document could be obtained at other points in time.
Accessing VSCs
The Ripping Volume Shadow Copies approach works against mounted volumes. This means a forensic image or hard drive has to be mounted to a Windows system (Vista or 7) in order for the VSCs in the target volume to be ripped. There are different ways to see a hard drive or image’s VSCs and I highlighted some options:
- Mount the hard drive by installing it inside a workstation (option will alter data on the hard drive)
- Mount the hard drive by using an external hard drive enclosure (option will alter data on the hard drive)
- Mount the hard drive by using a hardware writeblocker
- Mount the forensic image using Harlan Carvey’s method documented here, here, and the slide deck referenced here
- Mount the forensic image using Guidance Software’s Encase with the PDE module (option is well documented in the QCCIS white paper Reliably recovering evidential data from Volume Shadow Copies)
Regardless of the option used to mount the hard drive or image, the Windows vssadmin command or Shadow Explorer program can show what if VSCs are available for a given mounted volume. The pictures below show the Shadow Explorer program and vssadmin command displaying the some VSCs for the mounted volume with drive letter C.
Picking VSCs to examine is dependent on the examination goals and what data is needed to accomplish those goals. However, time will be a major consideration. Does the examination need to review an event, document, or user activity for specific times or for all available times on a computer? Answering that question will help determine if certain VSCs covering specific times are picked or if every available VSCs should be examined. Once the VSCs are selected then they can be examined to extract the information of interest.
Another Approach to Examine VSCs
Before discussing another approach to examining VSCs it’s appropriate to reflect on the approaches practitioners are currently using. The first approach is to forensically image each VSC and then examine the data inside each image. Troy’s slide deck referenced earlier has a slide showing how to image a VSC and Richard Drinkwater's Volume Shadow Copy Forensics post from a few years ago shows imaging VSCs as well. The second popular approach doesn’t use imaging since it copies data from each VSC followed by examining that data. The QCCIS white paper referenced earlier outlines this approach using the robocopy program as well as Richard Drinkwater in his posts here and here. Both approaches are feasible for examining VSCs but another approach is to examine the data directly inside VSCs bypassing the need for imaging and copying. The Ripping VSCs approach examines data directly inside VSCs and the two different methods to implement the approach are: Practitioner Method and Developer Method.
Ripping VSCs: Practitioner Method
The Practitioner Method uses ones existing tools to parse data inside VSCs. This means someone doesn’t have to learn a new tool or learn a programming language to write their own tools. All that’s required is for the tool to be command line and the practitioner willingness to execute the tool multiple times against the same data. The picture below shows how the Practitioner Method works.
Troy Larson demonstrated how a symbolic link can be used to provide access to VSCs. The mklink command can create a symbolic link to a VSC which then provides access to the data stored in the VSC. The Practitioner Method uses the access provided by the symbolic link to execute one’s tools directly against the data. The picture above illustrates a tool executing against the data inside Volume Shadow Copy 19 by traversing through a symbolic link. One could quickly determine the differences between VSCs, parse registry keys in VSCs, examine the same document at different points in time, or track a user’s activity to see what files were accessed. Examining VSCs can become tedious when one has to run the same command against multiple symbolic links to VSCs; this is especially true when dealing with 10, 20, or 30 VSCs. A more efficient and faster way is to use batch scripting to automate the process. Only a basic understanding about batch scripting (need to know how a For loop works) can create powerful tools to examine VSCs. In future posts I’ll cover how simple batch scripts can be leverage to rip data from any VSCs within seconds.
Ripping VSCs: Developer Method
I’ve been using the Practitioner Method for some time now against VSCs on live systems and forensic images. The method has enabled me to see data in different ways which was vital for some of my work involving Windows 7 systems. Recently I figured out a more efficient way to examine data inside VSCs. The Developer Method can examine data inside VSCs directly which bypasses the need to go through a symbolic link. The picture below shows how the Developer Method works.
The Developer Method programmatically accesses the data directly inside of VSCs. The majority of existing tools cannot do this natively so one must modify existing tools or develop their own. I used the Perl programming language to demonstrate that the Developer Method for ripping VSCs is possible. I created simple Perl scripts to read files inside a VSC and I modified Harlan’s to parse Windows shortcut files inside a VSC. Unlike the Practitioner Method, at the time of this post I have not extensively tested the Developer Method. I’m not only discussing the Developer Method for completeness when explaining the Ripping VSCs approach but my hope is by releasing my research early it can help spur the development of DFIR tools for examining VSCs.
What’s Up Next?
Volume Shadow Copies have been a gold mine for me on the couple corporate cases where they were available. The VSCs enabled me to successfully process the cases and that experience is what pushed me towards a different approach to examining VSCs. This approach was to parse the data while it is still stored inside the VSCs. I’m not the only DFIR practitioner looking at examining VSCs in this manner. Stacey Edwards shared in her post Volume Shadow Copies and LogParser how she runs the program logparser against VSCs by traversing through a symbolic link. Rob Lee shared his work on Shadow Timelines where he creates timelines and lists deleted files in VSCs by executing the Sleuthkit directly against VSCs. Accessing VSCs’ data directly can reduce examination time while enabling a DFIR practitioner to see data temporally. Ripping Volume Shadow Copies is a six part series and the remaining five posts will explain the Practitioner and Developer methods in-depth.
Part 1: Ripping Volume Shadow Copies - Introduction
Part 2: Ripping VSCs - Practitioner Method
Part 3: Ripping VSCs - Practitioner Examples
Part 4: Ripping VSCs - Developer Method
Part 5: Ripping VSCs - Developer Example
Part 6: Examining VSCs with GUI Tools
What Are Volume Shadow Copies
VSCs are not new to Windows 7 and have actually been around since Windows Server 2003. Others in the DFIR community have published a wealth of information on what VSCs are, their forensic significance, and approaches to examine them. I’m only providing a quick explanation since Troy Larson’s presentation slides provide an excellent overview about what VSCs are as well as Lee Whitfield’s Into the Shadows blog post. Basically, the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) can backup data on a Windows system. VSS monitors a volume for any changes to the data stored on it and will create backups only containing those changes. These backups are referred to as a shadow copies. According to Microsoft, the following activities will create shadow copies on Windows 7 and Vista systems:
- Manually (Vista & 7)
- Every 24 Hours (Vista)
- Every 7 Days (7)
- Before a Windows Update (Vista & 7)
- Unsigned Driver Installation (Vista & 7)
- A program that calls the Snapshot API (Vista & 7)
Importance of VSCs
The data inside VSCs may have a significant impact on an examination for a couple of reasons. The obvious benefit is the ability to recover files that may have been deleted or encrypted on the system. This ringed true for me on the few cases involving corporate systems; if it wasn’t for VSCs then I wouldn’t have been able to recover the data of interest. The second and possibly even more significant is the ability to see how systems and/or files evolved over time. I briefly touched on this in the post Ripping Volume Shadow Copies Sneak Peek. I mentioned how parsing the configuration information helped me know what file types to search for based on the installed software. Another example was how the user account information helped me verify a user account existed on the system and narrow down the timeframe when it was deleted. A system’s configuration information is just the beginning; documents, user activity, and programs launched are all great candidates to see how they changed over time.
To illustrate I’ll use a document as an example. When a document is located on a system without VSCs - for the most part - the only data that can be viewed in the document is what is currently there. Previous data inside the document might be able to be recovered from copies of the document or temporary files but won’t completely show how the document changed over time. To see how the document evolved would require trying to recover it at different points in time from system backups (if they were available). Now take that same document located on a system with VSCs. The document can be recovered from every VSC and each one can be examined to see its data. The data will only be what was inside the document when each VSC was created but it could cover a time period of weeks to months. Examining each document from the VSCs will shed light on how the document evolved. Another possibility is the potential to recover data that was in the document at some point in the past but isn't in the document that was located on the system. If system backups were available then they could provide additional information since more copies of the document could be obtained at other points in time.
Accessing VSCs
The Ripping Volume Shadow Copies approach works against mounted volumes. This means a forensic image or hard drive has to be mounted to a Windows system (Vista or 7) in order for the VSCs in the target volume to be ripped. There are different ways to see a hard drive or image’s VSCs and I highlighted some options:
- Mount the hard drive by installing it inside a workstation (option will alter data on the hard drive)
- Mount the hard drive by using an external hard drive enclosure (option will alter data on the hard drive)
- Mount the hard drive by using a hardware writeblocker
- Mount the forensic image using Harlan Carvey’s method documented here, here, and the slide deck referenced here
- Mount the forensic image using Guidance Software’s Encase with the PDE module (option is well documented in the QCCIS white paper Reliably recovering evidential data from Volume Shadow Copies)
Regardless of the option used to mount the hard drive or image, the Windows vssadmin command or Shadow Explorer program can show what if VSCs are available for a given mounted volume. The pictures below show the Shadow Explorer program and vssadmin command displaying the some VSCs for the mounted volume with drive letter C.
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Shadow Explorer Displaying C Volume VSCs |
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VSSAdmin Displaying C Volume VSCs |
Picking VSCs to examine is dependent on the examination goals and what data is needed to accomplish those goals. However, time will be a major consideration. Does the examination need to review an event, document, or user activity for specific times or for all available times on a computer? Answering that question will help determine if certain VSCs covering specific times are picked or if every available VSCs should be examined. Once the VSCs are selected then they can be examined to extract the information of interest.
Another Approach to Examine VSCs
Before discussing another approach to examining VSCs it’s appropriate to reflect on the approaches practitioners are currently using. The first approach is to forensically image each VSC and then examine the data inside each image. Troy’s slide deck referenced earlier has a slide showing how to image a VSC and Richard Drinkwater's Volume Shadow Copy Forensics post from a few years ago shows imaging VSCs as well. The second popular approach doesn’t use imaging since it copies data from each VSC followed by examining that data. The QCCIS white paper referenced earlier outlines this approach using the robocopy program as well as Richard Drinkwater in his posts here and here. Both approaches are feasible for examining VSCs but another approach is to examine the data directly inside VSCs bypassing the need for imaging and copying. The Ripping VSCs approach examines data directly inside VSCs and the two different methods to implement the approach are: Practitioner Method and Developer Method.
Ripping VSCs: Practitioner Method
The Practitioner Method uses ones existing tools to parse data inside VSCs. This means someone doesn’t have to learn a new tool or learn a programming language to write their own tools. All that’s required is for the tool to be command line and the practitioner willingness to execute the tool multiple times against the same data. The picture below shows how the Practitioner Method works.
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Practitioner Method Process |
Troy Larson demonstrated how a symbolic link can be used to provide access to VSCs. The mklink command can create a symbolic link to a VSC which then provides access to the data stored in the VSC. The Practitioner Method uses the access provided by the symbolic link to execute one’s tools directly against the data. The picture above illustrates a tool executing against the data inside Volume Shadow Copy 19 by traversing through a symbolic link. One could quickly determine the differences between VSCs, parse registry keys in VSCs, examine the same document at different points in time, or track a user’s activity to see what files were accessed. Examining VSCs can become tedious when one has to run the same command against multiple symbolic links to VSCs; this is especially true when dealing with 10, 20, or 30 VSCs. A more efficient and faster way is to use batch scripting to automate the process. Only a basic understanding about batch scripting (need to know how a For loop works) can create powerful tools to examine VSCs. In future posts I’ll cover how simple batch scripts can be leverage to rip data from any VSCs within seconds.
Ripping VSCs: Developer Method
I’ve been using the Practitioner Method for some time now against VSCs on live systems and forensic images. The method has enabled me to see data in different ways which was vital for some of my work involving Windows 7 systems. Recently I figured out a more efficient way to examine data inside VSCs. The Developer Method can examine data inside VSCs directly which bypasses the need to go through a symbolic link. The picture below shows how the Developer Method works.
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Developer Method Process |
The Developer Method programmatically accesses the data directly inside of VSCs. The majority of existing tools cannot do this natively so one must modify existing tools or develop their own. I used the Perl programming language to demonstrate that the Developer Method for ripping VSCs is possible. I created simple Perl scripts to read files inside a VSC and I modified Harlan’s to parse Windows shortcut files inside a VSC. Unlike the Practitioner Method, at the time of this post I have not extensively tested the Developer Method. I’m not only discussing the Developer Method for completeness when explaining the Ripping VSCs approach but my hope is by releasing my research early it can help spur the development of DFIR tools for examining VSCs.
What’s Up Next?
Volume Shadow Copies have been a gold mine for me on the couple corporate cases where they were available. The VSCs enabled me to successfully process the cases and that experience is what pushed me towards a different approach to examining VSCs. This approach was to parse the data while it is still stored inside the VSCs. I’m not the only DFIR practitioner looking at examining VSCs in this manner. Stacey Edwards shared in her post Volume Shadow Copies and LogParser how she runs the program logparser against VSCs by traversing through a symbolic link. Rob Lee shared his work on Shadow Timelines where he creates timelines and lists deleted files in VSCs by executing the Sleuthkit directly against VSCs. Accessing VSCs’ data directly can reduce examination time while enabling a DFIR practitioner to see data temporally. Ripping Volume Shadow Copies is a six part series and the remaining five posts will explain the Practitioner and Developer methods in-depth.
Part 1: Ripping Volume Shadow Copies - Introduction
Part 2: Ripping VSCs - Practitioner Method
Part 3: Ripping VSCs - Practitioner Examples
Part 4: Ripping VSCs - Developer Method
Part 5: Ripping VSCs - Developer Example
Part 6: Examining VSCs with GUI Tools
volume shadow copies