The Hammer Is Not Broken

Sunday, November 23, 2014 Posted by Corey Harrell
I went to my local hardware store to buy one of the latest hammers. I brought the hammer home but it was unable to build the shed in my backyard. I spoke to someone else who said something similar. They bought the hammer and it didn't build what they wanted it to do. The expectation was that the hammer should do what it needs to do automatically and if it doesn't then the hammer is broken. It doesn't live up to its expectations, it wasn't the best investment, and the hammer developers need to start over.

Every now and then there are articles about how a certain security technology is broken. The recent focus of criticism is SIEM technology. It's broken because it doesn't do everything automatically and live up to peoples' expectations. The expectation that the technology should be able to be implemented and then automatically solve problems. Similar, to the expectation of a shed being built by simply buying a hammer. The hammer is not at fault; similar to the security technology not being at fault. Both of them are tools and the issue is with who is wielding that tool.

The hammer is not broken. The security technology is not broken. What is broken is the person (or organization) holding the tool. They need the critical thinking and problem solving skills to make the tool do what it needs to do and meet expectations along the way.

"analysts can be trained to use a tool in a rudimen-tary manner, they cannot be trained in the mind-set or critical thinking skills needed to master the tool"

                                                                               ~ Carson Zimmerman

The issue is not with the tool. The issue is the organization hasn't put the tool in the right peoples' hands and until they do the brokenness won't be fixed.
  1. Corey,

    This is most definitely the case, in much more than just SIEM. For years, there have been articles stating that "defense in depth doesn't work", but when you look closely at it, DinD is not being employed.

  2. @Harlan,

    Agreed. In a way this can apply to most things involving tools. People view tools as the complete solution instead of the tool helping you reach the solution.

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